Mark Thomas Miller (1960) Thomas Miller Mark Thomas Miller
Mark Thomas Miller was born in Louisville, Kentucky, grew up in Glen
Ellyn, IL, and went to High School in Albany, NY. His father is a
retired grain merchant and his mother is celebrated oil painter Mary
Miller. After one year at Wagner College on Staten Island, he dropped
out to pursue his acting career in New York City--which included
studying at the Actors Studio with the late Lee Strasberg and appearing
in numerous plays and commercials. He eventually moved to Los Angeles
and got his big break in the NBC series Misfits of Science (1985). In 1991,
he was in a disfiguring accident that stalled his career, so he became
a building contractor specializing in home remodeling for the
handicapped, which he did until 2003. Mark made a minor attempt at
reviving his career by performing with the Groundling Improv Group, but
soon found out that he had lost the patience required for the business
of acting. In 2003, he started a product engineering and development
company. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two children.