拉里·柯恩 (1936) Larry Cohen
编剧 导演 制片人 演员
Larry Cohen was born July 15, 1936, in New York, New York, and spent time in Kingston, a small town north of New York City. At a young age, his family moved to the
Riverdale section of the Bronx, and he eventually majored in film at
the historic City College of New York, from which he graduated in 1963. An
independent maverick who got his start in studio-based television, he
is best known for inventive low-budget horror films that combine
scathing social commentary with the requisite scares and occasional
laughs. He was also a major player in the Blaxploitation films of the
1970s. Later in his career, he became a sought-after screenplay writer.
Although not very prolific in his screen writing, these works still
combine provocative social commentary--but with more conventional
storytelling. Sadly, Cohen died of cancer on March 23, 2019.