白蛇传说 下载

白蛇传说 (1988)
The Lair of the White Worm

1 小时 33 分钟 惊悚, 恐怖 英国

年青考古学家安格斯。在女朋友玛莉住的美斯农场附近,发掘了一个类似蛇的头骨,没多久,玛莉的父母失了踪,而住在村里的神秘女士西维亚,又从外面回来,她是蛇妖的化身,捉了玛莉的妹妹依芙,准备将她奉献给蛇妖。举行奉献仪式时,安格斯及时赶到,与蛇妖展开了一场决斗。Scottish archaelogist Angus Flint discovers an odd skull amid the ruins of a convent which he is excavating. Shortly thereafter, Lady Sylvia Marsh returns to Temple House, a nearby mansion, far earlier than expected. At a party in the village, Angus mee...