普拉西多•里佐托 下载

普拉西多•里佐托 (2000)
Placido Rizzotto

1 小时 50 分钟 剧情, 传记, 犯罪 意大利

影片根据真人真事改编,取材自1948年西西里岛,农会秘书普拉西多·里佐托从游击队归来后,带领贫农争取权益,不幸被黑手党暗杀的事迹。At the end of World War II, Placido Rizzotto returns to his Sicilian village to discover a new Mafia chief has taken over, unfairly appropriating land and allocating jobs. Placido becomes leader of a local trade union and attempts to rally the villagers against the Mafia, but his struggle is destined to end in ma...